Thursday, December 29, 2005

maybe I have taken the wrong approach...


Maybe I have been too broad when it comes to my IT career. One of the best pieces of advice I got that I have heard from wise people over and over again is to know when to say "No" or "I'm sorry, that's not what I do", especially when it comes to IT.

This article made me think about it..


Salsa Lover said...

That's for sure.... people at work ask me everything and anything. Even if I know it, I still reply with "you know, I'm not really sure. My specialty is web/Internet design and development." and they have no problem with it. It has never hurt my career.

derek said...

I feel like, sometimes, me knowing what I do (my last IT job was as a web developer (LAMP) and sysadmin) that I am so general--and so many HR people don't understand what the heck I do--that job hunting is harder than it has to be.

I sometimes think that specializing would make me a little more useful.