Friday, September 22, 2006

my general disgust with music right now...

I wrote a lot on my MySpace blog about how pissed I am with music, especially hip-hop right, more specifically, popular hip-hop right now. I was thinking about this Lionel Richie (yes, Nicole's dad -- yes, of The Commodores -- yes, that song from the Starburst commercial) video that I saw last week called "I Call It Love".

It turns out Mr. Richie has a big Arab following. In another case of good music breaking barriers, ABC News did a story on the Iraq's love for Lionel. I think it's intriguing. The man behind one of the first songs I ever sang "Brick House", which is prophetic in so many ways, is big in the Middle East. I wish we could all get together and sit down and pull out our iPods, crates, CD cases and/or boxes full of tapes and just listen to music. We would realize that our artificial divisions (yes, nationalities are artificial) don't matter as much as what binds us as humans.

1 comment:

Reese The Law Girl said...

OMG! Stop reading my mind. Lionel Richie's latest is possibly my song of the year and is currently in heavy rotation on my myspace page. Speaking of...

I didn't know you had a myspace page. E-mail me and let me know the address so's we can be friends. Peace! :)