Sunday, March 19, 2006

name change...

As I was so humorously informed at the Cleveland Webloggers Meetup, chasing the dragon was a reference to smoking heroin. Not surprising considering I lifted it from a Steely Dan song, ("Time Out of Mind" if you are wondering). In light of this development, I chose a new name...something that's a little more me.

Enter, a subset of derek.

subset (noun): a set each of whose elements is an element of an inclusive set.

Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

So, a subset of derek is merely part of a whole. I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in mathematics, as many of you know. Subsets are merely parts of a set. Subsets are also crucial to proving set equality. If two sets are subsets of each other (meaning that there is no item that can be found in A that cannot be found in B and vice versa, given that A and B are sets, of course) then they are equal. This reminds me of a problem that I need to be working on...

Later all...

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