Friday, April 28, 2006

Jesus Christ: Lord, Savior....killer app?!?!

This article on CNET talks about how technology is driving how people worship. Imagine, a BSOD during communion..."we need to put some money in the collection plate to pay for a copy of Windows Vista. Praise Bill...err, I mean Praise Jesus.". I don't really have a problem with churches modernizing their methods of communications (podcasting of sermons would be really kick...umm, butt) but this is crazy:

Perhaps America's best example of the tech-savvy house of worship is the Houston-based Lakewood Church, which last year recorded a weekly attendance of 30,000. Pastor Joel Osteen needed the Compaq Center, a former basketball arena that was once home of the National Basketball Association's Houston Rockets, to serve as his chapel.

Osteen employs three massive video-display screens to project his image to people sitting in the nosebleed seats. Illuminating the walls and the giant globe spinning behind Osteen's pulpit are Altman Micro Strips, strip lights that use a range of tungsten halogen lamps to create different lighting effects.

Here's my question: what about Free/Open Source Software in the church? I have seen a couple of bible apps in Free/Open Source but not much else. If you are trying to save money while maintain functionality, Free/Open Source would be the way to go.

Praise the Lord and pass the install disks.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Performancing...the best thing on earth.

I am posting this blog entry using Performancing.  This is probably the coolest  Firefox add on I have seen...
